Designing Assessment Tools For Quality Outcomes In Vet
16 child terms
The process used to identify, gather and interpret information against the required competencies in a qualification or part qualification in order to make a judgement about a learner's achievement.
Source: SAQA 2013, South Africa
All methods used to appraise performance by gathering evidence to determine whether learners, trainers, training methodologies, programmes and institutions have achieved the required standards.
Source: ILO 2006, Global
A quality assurance procedure which monitors the quality of teaching and learning and results in a graded judgment about the quality of a VET provider or programme.
Source: OECD 2009
The process of gathering and judging evidence in order to decide whether a person has achieved a standard or objective.
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
The sum of methods and processes used to evaluate the attainments (knowledge, know-how, skills and competences) of an individual, and typically leading to certification.
Source: UNEVOC/NCVER 2009, Global
Organisation: | UNESCO-UNEVOC, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)![]() |
Source: | TVET glossary: some key terms![]() |
Description: | This glossary has been published in the "International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work" (Vol. 1, chapter 5) "The glossary aims to reflect the terminology found in the recent literature of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) research, policy and practice internationally. The most common and significant terms (including acronyms) are listed and, in some cases, national and regional variations have been included. To maintain an international perspective, other national and international glossaries and thesauri were consulted in conjunction with current TVET literature from around the world. Where definitions have been written by other organizations, the source of that definition is acknowledged. Unattributed definitions were created in-house at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). For some terms, where, for example, there are regional differences, more than one meaning has been provided." p. 59 (International Handbook of education vol 1) ![]() |
A way of judging learner performance. Assessment methods include: teachers' feedback; peer group critique; written and oral course work, portfolio development, tests and examinations.
Source: EU Commission AL 2010, Europe
Organisation: | European Union![]() |
Source: | European Adult Learning Glossary![]() |
Description: | This glossary is one output of European Commission project EAC/11/2008, 'Study on European Terminology in Adult Learning for a common language and common understanding and monitoring of the sector'. Work on this study was led by the National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), Institute of Education, London in collaboration with colleagues from the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE), the Agence Nationale de Lutte contre l'illetrisme (ANLCI) and the University of Warsaw. Terms listed [...] are presented under six conceptual headings [...]. A seventh grouping representing general theories and concept in adult learning has also been including. The seven groups are: Theories and concepts in adult learning, Adult learning strategy, policy and legislation, adult skills and competences, access to and participation in adult learning, investment in adult learning, quality of adult learning, outcomes and of adult learning. p.2 (About)![]() |
Methods of measuring learner progress, including state approved assessments, non-approved testing, staff evaluation, and self-reporting of learners.
Source: DOE Virginia 2014, Virginia (USA)
Child terms
Assessment body
An entity accredited/delegated by a QC to conduct external summative assessment and moderate site-based assessment for specified qualifications, part qualifications, or prior learning.
(QC: Quality Council - One of the three councils tasked with developing and managing each of the sub-frameworks of the South African NQF in order to ensure that agreed quality standards are met.)
Source: SAQA 2013, South Africa
Assessment guidelines
An endorsed component of a training package which underpins assessment and which sets out the industry approach to valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment. It includes an overview of the assessment system and information on assessor requirements, designing assessment resources and conducting assessment.
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
A set of procedures for those involved in assessment which underpins assessment and which sets out the industry approach to valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment. Assessment guidelines include information concerning:
•assessment system overview
•assessor requirements
•designing assessment resources
•conducting assessment •sources of information on assessment
•the evidence required
•how and when (and how often) assessment takes place
•who will be responsible for assessing the evidence
•method of verification
•how the assessment is recorded / documented
Source: Wahba 2013, Global
Assessment materials
Optional component of a training package that complements endorsed industry assessment guidelines and could take the form of assessment exemplars or specific assessment tasks and instructions.
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
Assessment of competence
The means by which evidence of performance is collected, compared with a standard, and a judgment about acceptable performance is made and formally recorded. The person is either Competent or Not Yet Competent. There is no rank order, no grades or banding because an individual's abilities are compared with the standard, not with each other.
Source: Wahba 2013, Global
Assessment of learning outcomes
Evaluation of individuals' achievement of learning objectives, using a variety of assessment methods (written, oral and practical tests/examinations, projects and portfolios) during or at the end of an educational programme. (Also used for ISCED 2011)
Source: UNESCO 1984, Global
Assessment of the learners achievement provides information about what has been learned at a particular point in time. This process often involves the use of standardized tests or examinations and is often used during courses and at the end, for the purpose of progression and/or graduation. 'Formative' assessment takes place during a course and 'summative' assessment at the end.
Source: UNESCO IIEP/IBE;PEIC 2015, Global
The process of appraising knowledge, know-how, skills and/or competences of an individual against predefined criteria (learning expectations, measurement of learning outcomes). Assessment is typically followed by validation and certification.
Source: CEDEFOP 2008, Europe
Assessment plan
A plan pertaining to carrying an employee's assessment including details relating to the relevant competency development framework, types of evidence, areas of emphasis, time, place and means by which the assessment process will be implemented.
Source: Wahba 2013, Global
Assessment validation
A process where assessors collaborate to compare and evaluate their assessment methods, tools, procedures and decisions against relevant competency standards to ensure quality and consistency in the assessment event.
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
A person qualified to carry out assessment.
Source: UNEVOC/NCVER 2009, Global
Organisation: | UNESCO-UNEVOC, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)![]() |
Source: | TVET glossary: some key terms![]() |
Description: | This glossary has been published in the "International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work" (Vol. 1, chapter 5) "The glossary aims to reflect the terminology found in the recent literature of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) research, policy and practice internationally. The most common and significant terms (including acronyms) are listed and, in some cases, national and regional variations have been included. To maintain an international perspective, other national and international glossaries and thesauri were consulted in conjunction with current TVET literature from around the world. Where definitions have been written by other organizations, the source of that definition is acknowledged. Unattributed definitions were created in-house at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). For some terms, where, for example, there are regional differences, more than one meaning has been provided." p. 59 (International Handbook of education vol 1) ![]() |
A person that is able to conduct internal and external assessment for specific qualifications and/or part qualifications.
Source: SAQA 2013, South Africa
Accredited individual authorized to evaluate or assess competencies of a candidate (person) applying for certification.
Source: TESDA 2010, Philippines
An experienced and qualified professional who carries out the assessment, compares collected evidences with the performance standards / criteria of the job and then makes a formal assessment of the individual's competence. The assessor formally records the result of the assessment and provides feedback to the individual. The line supervisor / manager normally conduct the first formal assessment of the individual's competence. Other individuals that may be involved in the assessment process could include shift supervisors, shift controllers, job instructors or section heads. The most recognized assessment and verification methods, include some or all of the following:
•Testing (practical and / or written)
•Interview (individual and /or panel)
•Direct observation
•Examining work samples
•Evaluating reports produced by the individual
Source: Wahba 2013, Global
Formative assessment
Assessment that takes place at regular intervals during a course, with feedback provided along the way to help improve the student's performance.
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
A range of formal, non-formal and informal ongoing assessment procedures used to focus teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment, or which are required for the purpose of a year mark.
Source: SAQA 2013, South Africa
Institutional assessment
An assessment undertaken by the institution for its students to determine their achievement of the learning outcomes in the module of instructions in given unit of competency or clusters of competencies.
Source: TESDA 2010, Philippines
Integrated assessment
An approach to assessment that covers multiple elements and/or units of competency. The integrated approach attempts to combine knowledge, understanding, problem solving, technical skills, attitudes and ethics into an assessment task to reduce the time spent on testing and make assessment more 'authentic'.
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
An assessment approach that covers multiple elements and/or units of the Competency Development Framework (CDP) from relevant competency levels (standards). The integrated approach attempts to combine 4 sections of competencies/tasks i.e. core, support, general and personal/behavioral (attitude) competencies.
Source: Wahba 2013, Global
Self assessment
1) A process in which learners/ trainees / students collects evidences about themselves, judge and assess their own performance against particular competency standards and criteria; 2) A process in which an enterprise or training provider assesses the extent to which it satisfies the criteria for quality endorsement of the training provider's learning, education and training system and identifies opportunities for improvement. (Similar definition used by Queensland government)
Source: Wahba 2013, Global
Assessment by which the learner gathers information about and reflects on his or her own learning, judges the degree to which it reflects explicitly stated goals or criteria, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and revises accordingly. It is the learner's own assessment of personal progress in knowledge, skills, processes, and attitudes. (Adapted from: Ontario Ministry of Education 2002).
Source: UNESCO IBE 2013, Global
Summative assessment
Assessment that occurs at a point in time and is carried out to summarise achievement at that point in time. Often more structured than formative assessment, it provides teachers, students and parents with information on student progress and level of achievement.(also called: Assessment of learning)
Source: NCVER 2013, Australia
Assessment conducted at the end of sections of learning, at the end of a whole learning programme, or at any point in the learning programme, to evaluate learning related to a particular qualification, part qualification, or professional designation.
Source: SAQA 2013, South Africa
Appraisal of a student's work which determines or contributes to a final grade or score.
Source: EU Commission AL 2010, Europe
Organisation: | European Union![]() |
Source: | European Adult Learning Glossary![]() |
Description: | This glossary is one output of European Commission project EAC/11/2008, 'Study on European Terminology in Adult Learning for a common language and common understanding and monitoring of the sector'. Work on this study was led by the National Research and Development Centre for Adult Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), Institute of Education, London in collaboration with colleagues from the Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE), the Agence Nationale de Lutte contre l'illetrisme (ANLCI) and the University of Warsaw. Terms listed [...] are presented under six conceptual headings [...]. A seventh grouping representing general theories and concept in adult learning has also been including. The seven groups are: Theories and concepts in adult learning, Adult learning strategy, policy and legislation, adult skills and competences, access to and participation in adult learning, investment in adult learning, quality of adult learning, outcomes and of adult learning. p.2 (About)![]() |
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Designing Assessment Tools For Quality Outcomes In Vet
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